
“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” Abraham Lincoln

Sacked, Eventually, Unrepentant Tonge.

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Baroness Tonge, the Lib Dem peer and GP has been sacked as LibDem health spokesperson, which give them the sensitivity of this topic is probably just as well.

According to the BBC, the LibDem leader Nick Clegg is still in denial about her attitude:

“In a statement released on Friday evening, Nick Clegg said the allegations were “highly offensive”.

“The comments were wrong, distasteful and provocative and I recognise the deep and understandable distress they have caused to the Jewish community,” he said.

“While I do not believe that Jenny Tonge is anti-semitic or racist, I regard her comments as wholly unacceptable.

“Jenny Tonge apologises unreservedly for the offence she has caused.” “

Perhaps it would be better if Baroness Tonge went on one of those training courses that the Metropolitan police run, on sensitivity to racial issues?

It seems fairly clear to me Baroness Tonge has some very strong “issues” and I’m just wondering when we will hear the next bigoted outburst from her?

My bet, it’s just a matter of time.

Update 1: The JC has more on Clegg’s comments.

Update 2: Stephanie Gutmann at the Torygraph took the trouble to ask Tonge where she got this nonsense from:

“But what on YouTube exactly? I asked Tonge how she had come to her conclusions. It turned that she had been inspired by an article on a website of a guy she called “a highly respected Jewish researcher” — an “opinion piece” she hastened to add (they are always opinion pieces). I had never heard of this highly respected researcher, named Steve Lendman, so I looked at his website and his article alleging IDF organ harvesting in Haiti.

Lendman as anti-fascists and older readers will remember is an ally of various Far Right loons, I covered him years back.

Lendman hasn’t changed much he’s still a fan of Rense, Ziopedia the neo-nazis and other Far Right material.

Update 3: Adam Holland covered these issues last month.

Written by modernityblog

13/02/2010 at 02:42

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  1. […] leave a comment » By chance I found a Lib Dem forum which was discussing Baroness Tonge’s racist assumptions. […]

  2. […] Palestine site, but there is a certain shared taste for some web material, Alan Hart’s, the well known racist, Steve Lendman, Jonathan Cook and Deir Yassin Remembered (which readers will remember is run […]

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