
“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” Abraham Lincoln

Norway, Recognising The Threat.

with 2 comments

There is a regrettable tendency, when multiple atrocities like that which occurred in Norway recently, for pundits to go off half cocked. To push their agenda on top of a tragedy, or make unnecessarily crude political points on the back of the deaths of others.

That’s part of the reason that I deliberately chose not to post on these events.

I wanted the dust to settle and for a better understanding of what actually happened to come out.

I am still reluctant to comment but I think the CST’s contribution is pertinent and deserves a wider airing:

The appalling and tragic events in Norway on Friday have served as an horrific reminder that Europe’s far right is capable of producing terrorists, who are just as willing to kill in large numbers as any jihadi terrorist group.

Previously, most attempts by neo-Nazis or other adherents of far right ideologies to perpetrate terrorist attacks have failed for logistical reasons, but there are enough examples that succeeded – for example, David Copeland here in the UK, or the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing in the United States – to dispel any complacency. The growing list of prosecutions and convictions in Britain of would-be terrorists from the far right in recent years shows that this is a real and growing problem.”

The point that they make that political violence is intrinsic to the Far Right needs greater acceptance amongst the media and political classes, who will often gloss over this issue without any real understanding of its implications.

Written by modernityblog

24/07/2011 at 15:13

2 Responses

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  1. There is a regrettable tendency, when multiple atrocities like that which occurred in Norway recently, for pundits to go off half cocked. To push their agenda on top of a tragedy, or make unnecessarily crude political points on the back of the deaths of others.

    There’s a tendency as there is a tendency for mosquitoes to drink blood. I thought you’d keep your head, Mod, when others were losing theirs. I’ve been pretty much without broadband during this time, and I don’t think I’ve missed much when it came to sanity and rational debate.


    30/07/2011 at 18:36

  2. Keep my head? Well I hope I did, twas going to publish a large post *once* Norwegian antifascists had gathered information about this mass murderer, and not before, alas it is still lingering around as a draft.


    04/08/2011 at 13:54

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