
“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” Abraham Lincoln

Peter Tatchell Deserves Better.

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I have followed Peter Tatchell’s political career for decades, and one thing has always struck me about him, he’s a very keen activist and highly principled.

I and others might occasionally disagree with the emphasis that he puts on certain issues, but Peter Tatchell is principled and that is rare in politics, where ends are used to justify the means.

Peter puts himself in great physical danger for his belief, and that is even rarer, so I was sadden to read the lack of support for him by posters over at Socialist Unity blog.

In fact, Peter is being attacked, for holding clear and principled views without malice, by various armchair activists and shouty “anti-imperialists”.

Peter’s column in the Guardian.

The BBC asks an all too obvious question: Is gay bashing on the rise?

Q&A: Peter Tatchell

Stand up, be counted and go to jail

Update 1: It seems that the SWP have their knives out for Peter, as suggested by a post on the SWP’s premier blog, Lenin’s Tomb. I think that partly explains the venom from some posters at SU blog, they are just following a Party “line” like mindless automatons.

Update 2: Dave Osler has chipped in with his characteristic sarcasm, although I suspect many won’t understand the none too subtle point that he’s making.

Written by modernityblog

04/11/2009 at 18:51

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