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Posts Tagged ‘Faked Confession

Bang To Rights At The Show Trial.

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Like a hangover from a cheap police drama where caught criminals invariably say “You’ve got me bang to rights, guv’nor!”, faked confessions are spilling out in Teheran, the Times reports:

“Video and photographs of Clotilde Reiss, 24, apparently admitting her guilt as officials and guards, almost all men, looked on, touched hearts and stirred anger in France.

She delivered her testimony to the crowded auditorium in steady, clear tones before taking questions, watched by rows of prisoners.

Although the images were provided by Iranian state television, it was clear from her delivery and language that she was reciting a confession that had been prepared for her.

Apparently the Iranian secret services and militia were busy, as the BBC relates:

“Authorities in Iran say 4,000 people were detained in protests that followed June’s disputed presidential election – many more than previously stated.

A spokesman for the judiciary, Ali Reza Jamshidi, said about 3,700 had been freed within a week, but that those involved in riots were in detention.

An opposition figure has also claimed at least 69 people were killed in the violence following the 12 June poll.

It is more than double the number the government admits died. “

Written by modernityblog

12/08/2009 at 00:51