
“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” Abraham Lincoln

Posts Tagged ‘Google cache

Mike Huckabee, Offensive And Idiotic.

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Frighteningly, Mike Huckabee was a possible candidate for the Presidency in United States, but his latest bout of idiocy would seem to preclude him receiving the nomination from the Republicans, the JTA reports:

“WASHINGTON (JTA) — Mike Huckabee removed a statement from his website warning Israel and the Jews “not to insult” the friends they have.

The Anti-Defamation League on Monday had scolded the former Arkansas governor and Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) for inappropriate use of Holocaust imagery to decry the debt crisis.

Both politicos, likely GOP presidential candidates in 2012, were reported over the weekend to have likened what they said was the U.S. government’s failure to address the debt to doing nothing as the Nazis carried out their genocide.

Huckabee’s sleight of hand in trying to remove the offending page from his website won’t achieve much, as the page is kept within the Google cache.

I reproduce it below, for the public record:

May 03 2011

Response To Abe Foxman, Anti Defamation League

Governor Mike Huckabee said today, that the demand of ADL (Anti Defamation League) Director Abraham Foxman to apologize for his comments regarding the Holocaust were uninformed and misguided and called upon Foxman to apologize to him and retract his totally inappropriate and reckless attack issued recently.

Huckabee said, “Foxman could have done even a tiny bit of fact-checking and discovered what most people in the Israel and American Jewish community know quite well, that Israel and the Jewish people have no stronger advocate than Mike Huckabee. And to confirm that, they could start by actually listening to what I said, which is a strong affirmation of the Jewish people.”

“I have traveled to Israel numerous times since 1973, have spoken at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem, met with several Prime Ministers and Presidents of Israel over the years, testified in committee hearing at the Knesset and have taken numerous groups and hundreds of visitors to Israel. I have been steadfast in my support not only of the Jewish people, but of my solemn remembrance of the horrors inflicted upon the Jews during the Holocaust and the need for all people of the world to stand with Israel for the right to their indigenous homeland with secure borders and sovereign control,” Huckabee said.

“Foxman’s remarks are not only factually wrong, but they are hurtful to me personally in light of my unequalled friendship with members of the Jewish community, and I ask Foxman to retract his statement as publicly as he issued it, and apologize for his lack of accuracy in issuing it and for the harm done by attacking the very strongest advocates for the Jewish people and Israel.

“Israel and Jewish people need to make friends, not insult the ones they have” said Huckabee. “Fortunately, Foxman doesn’t represent the vast majority of well-informed friends I have in the Jewish community,” he added.

NOTE: Reference to following story in Jersualem Post and being picked up by other media:

ADL slams US politicians

The Anti-Defamation League on Monday strongly criticized the recent use of Nazi analogies by elected US officials, saying they “have no place in political discourse.”

Comparing the US government’s inaction in the face of a mounting debt crisis by Rep. Michele Bachmann (R) and former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee is “highly inappropriate,” ADL Director Abraham Foxman said in a press release.

Foxman criticized the two politicians’ use of Nazi analogies, “particularly on the eve of Holocaust Remembrance Day, a time dedicated to memorializing, not trivializing the six million Jews and millions of others who perished at the hands of the Nazis.”

Legitimate concerns about the US national debt do not justify “invoking these kinds of Holocaust and Nazi comparisons,” he added.

Remember his comment:

“Israel and Jewish people need to make friends, not insult the ones they have” said Huckabee.

Huckabee sounds as if he shouldn’t be left in charge of a hot dog stand, let alone any major public office.

Update 1: This is not the first time that Huckabee has gone over the top, the ADL chastened him in 2007:

“New York, NY, October 23, 2007 … The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) called on presidential candidate Mike Huckabee to refrain from invoking Holocaust imagery, following his recent use of the term “holocaust” to refer to abortion.

The former Arkansas governor was speaking at the Family Research Council’s Values Voter Summit in Washington D.C. when he referred to the “…holocaust of liberalized abortion…”. “

[My emphasis.]

And after that too in November 2007.

Blogging, The Principle, Rev. Sizer And The Police.

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After my exchange with Roger Pearse I began to think that people looking in from the outside might not see the issues as clear as some of us, given our own closeness to these questions.

Firstly, I would like to point out that this is a point of principle for me.

I do not believe that bloggers who are conducting legitimate criticism or debate, with no criminal matters connected, should be the subject of State monitoring or visits by the Police.

I do not believe that the Police have any justifiable role in political criticism of blogs.

Of course, if there had been any criminal action or intent that might be another matter, but it is clear to anyone who wants to review Seismic Shock’s old blog that isn’t the case.

Granted, much of Seismic Shock’s criticism is rather pointed and relates to Rev. Sizer’s questionable political judgements and activities.

I am fairly sure that Rev. Sizer was extremely annoyed that someone took the time to analyse his views, point out the intellectual inconsistencies and point out how Rev. Sizer should think before linking up with some of these dubious characters.

But annoyance is not a criminal offence.

Even, as much as I might dislike Rev. Sizer’s views **I** would not want the police to question him over them.

In my view, Rev. Sizer is entitled to hold as many, or as few, obnoxious and detestable opinions as he wants, I would not like the State or the Police to question him, merely because of his views.

But by the same token, I think it is proper to debate the contents of Rev. Sizer’s views, as he makes them public.

I would recommend that readers peruse the remaining cached articles from Seismic Shock’s old blogspot.

Just click on the underlined cached link on the right-hand side of each article. [Or put, Stephen Sizer into Google and it will display the relevant posts.]

Please make your own minds up.

I don’t think that any of the criticism was too harsh, which is why I’m happy to repeat them here, to make the point that if Rev. Sizer wishes to attack Seismic Shock then he can take me on too, for I too am Seismic Shock!

The Stalinist School of Falsification Over At The Morning Star.

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As Dave Osler indicated the Star tried deleting that terrible review of the Holocaust denier, Nick Kollerstrom’s new book.

Well they tried, but the Star’s Stalinists were beaten by modern technology, Google’s cache

Here’s a copy of that review:

“Terror On The Tube

by Nick Kollerstrom (Progressive Press, £10)

Monday 03 August 2009
by Geoff Simons

This important book tears the official explanation for the July 7 Tube and bus bombings to shreds.

No Star reader will be surprised to hear about government lies, but Kollerstrom presents a detailed analysis based on a wealth of information that is staggering in its implications.

The government story is completely demolished. Times, photographs, official statements – all are subject to a careful scrutiny that leaves nothing standing.

Kollerstrom admits that the truth about the attacks may never be fully known and argues for a proper public inquiry.

He also attempts a posthumous rehabilitation of the four so-called bombers.

So who was responsible? The author explains the idea of “false-flag terror,” staged by governments to achieve political ends.

US analyst Webster Tarpley said in 2005: “Last week’s London explosions carry the characteristic features of state-sponsored, synthetic provocation by networks within the British intelligence services MI5, MI6, the Home Office and the Metropolitan Special Branch who are favourable to a wider Anglo-American aggressive war in the Middle East.”

The false-flag argument is extended to other much-publicised terrorist atrocities – September 11 2001, Bali, Madrid, Istanbul and Mumbai.

Such events imply obvious state-organised conspiracies. It is true that some conspiracy theories are nonsense, but before you dismiss Kollerstrom’s case you should read this well-researched and impressive book.”

Written by modernityblog

05/08/2009 at 00:15