
“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” Abraham Lincoln

Archive for December 1st, 2010

Imagine, President Sarah Palin

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Imagine President Palin.

If that thought doesn’t send a chill down your spine then I know what will.

Imagine someone who can’t differentiate between North and South Korea, as the leader of the world’s only hyperpower.

Imagine President Palin’s finger on the nuclear button.

Imagine the idiocy of allowing such a person to obtain the highest office in the land.

Now think on her latest comments, the Torygraph has more:

“Writing on her Facebook page on Monday, Mrs Palin questioned why the US authorities were not looking for him in the same way that it had hunted suspected terrorists.

“The latest round of publications of leaked classified U.S. documents through the shady organization called Wikileaks raises serious questions about the Obama administration’s incompetent handling of this whole fiasco.

“First and foremost, what steps were taken to stop Wikileaks director Julian Assange from distributing this highly sensitive classified material especially after he had already published material not once but twice in the previous months?

“He is an anti-American operative with blood on his hands. His past posting of classified documents revealed the identity of more than 100 Afghan sources to the Taliban. Why was he not pursued with the same urgency we pursue al-Qaeda and Taliban leaders?”

She went on: “What if any diplomatic pressure was brought to bear on NATO, EU, and other allies to disrupt Wikileaks’ technical infrastructure? Did we use all the cyber tools at our disposal to permanently dismantle Wikileaks? Were individuals working for Wikileaks on these document leaks investigated? Shouldn’t they at least have had their financial assets frozen just as we do to individuals who provide material support for terrorist organizations?”

I suppose a President Palin would want to nuke the Internet, if she actually knew where and what it was.


Update 1: President Putin is none too happy either.