
“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” Abraham Lincoln

Archive for December 4th, 2010

Wikileaks Name Change.

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After Amazon, Wikileaks’s domain name provider in the US has decided it can’t keep tabs on them any longer.

So is defunct for the moment and (the Swiss domain) is now running it.

The funny thing is, that it should be possible to work out *who*, or at least where the Denial of Service attacks are coming from…

Update 1: Elsewhere the German Pirate Party are hosting Wikileaks’s material too, see

Update 2: It seems that Paypal has joined forces against Wikileaks. I assume that someone lent on them too, the Beeb reports:

“PayPal said its payment service cannot be used for activities “that encourage, promote, facilitate or instruct others to engage in illegal activity”.

Update 3: PandaLabs has more on the Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) attacks on Wikileaks.

Helen Thomas, The Racist Speaks.

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Helen Thomas is at it again, having once said that Jews should go back to Germany, she let the cat out of the bag and reveals her true views:

“”Congress, the White House and Hollywood, Wall Street are owned by the Zionists,” Thomas said. “No question.”

I just wonder who will support her this time?

Written by modernityblog

04/12/2010 at 04:31

Racial Attack on Hanley Mosque.

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A Very Public Sociologist has a terribly disturbing post, Shelton Mosque Attack and Racist Violence:

“At work this afternoon I heard there had been an attempt to blow up the new Shelton Mosque near Hanley in Stoke-on-Trent. According to the mosque committee, the police, and the local paper, the perpetrators tapped a gas main and fed a pipe into the mosque before attempting to ignite it. Needless to say the damage done to the building as well as nearby residences could have been catastrophic. Understandably the police are treating the attempted attack as a racist incident.”

Update 1: Highland Host a local blog also has a post on it.

Written by modernityblog

04/12/2010 at 03:41

Fire Or Bigots, Which Is Important?

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The Wire: Just Journalism’s daily updated blog covers something that struck me too.

I have been reading the Guardian again (after a lapse of some 20 plus years), trying to follow the Wikileaks stories and very interesting they are, whilst doing this worthy enterprise I was compelled to read the rest of the newspaper and in parts it’s not too bad.

However, a story covering the forest fires in Israel was another issue.

Given similar prominence on the same page, was an article which detailed how some idiots, some bigots in an Israeli city don’t like rooms being rented out to Israeli-Arabs by a Holocaust survivor.

It is interesting in one way that it shows the dynamic of Israeli society and how the bigotry was rejected by many Israelis themselves, but rather telling as yet another example of the Guardian’s negative coverage of Israel and Israelis.

I think it’s very wrong for some idiotic and moronic Israelis to argue that Israeli Arabs shouldn’t be given rooms, but it’s not exactly headlined stuff.

At least when compared to a forest fire where more then 40 people have been killed.

If your intent was to demonise Israelis and prove that they were racists, to the core, then you might find such a story interesting, then again you might also ask why Israelis and Jews can’t even set foot in many Arab countries, for fear of being killed, a slightly graver issue, but not one that the Guardian wishes to cover.

I think it shows you the Guardian’s warped sense of proportion that an article detailing forest fires and the resultant deaths are given side-by-side with this story of animosity towards Israeli-Arabs, which many Israeli organisations are making a very conscious effort to fight.

Sadly, the Guardian’s intense scrutiny of the Middle East doesn’t venture much beyond Israel, or to be equally critical of the other 22 countries nearby, I wonder why?

Written by modernityblog

04/12/2010 at 02:23