
“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” Abraham Lincoln

Archive for January 26th, 2011

In The Age of The Internet: More Racism At The Guardian.

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The Internet should aid research, it should enable people to be better informed, particularly those in the West, where it is more widespread.

Yet it is still possible to find educated journalists, with access to the Internet, who don’t know the basics.

Instead of Googling Carlos Latuff and realising that he has a propensity for publishing racist cartoons against Jews and Israelis, instead of doing that the Guardian decides to push his work.

Rather than familiarising themselves with Carlos Latuff’s racism, the Guardian becomes complicit.

Readers will remember that Carlos Latuff is notorious for his participation in the Iranian regime’s International Holocaust Cartoon Contest.

A Better Venue.

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Professor David N Gibbs will be familiar to readers.

Previously, I courteously gave him a guest post, that was a mistake as I receive nothing but hassle and aggravation for my troubles.

Thankfully, it is not an error I intend to repeat.

Professor Gibbs is now using Louis Proyect’s blog.

Apparently, Louis Proyect is Professor Gibbs’ friend and his blog, Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist, is a far more suitable venue for Professor Gibbs’ writings.

I wish them well, they are ably suited.

Update 1: These are the relevant posts concerning Professor Gibbs:

Denial About Rwanda.

The Second Coming of Joe McCarthy: David Gibbs Responds to Hoare’s Criticisms

Denial In The West.

Apologies To Marko.

Professor Gibbs, Failure To Address The Issues.

A Scholar Replies To David N. Gibbs.

A Pompous Ass.