
“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” Abraham Lincoln

Hagiography, Gilad Atzmon and Citizendium.

with 49 comments

Wiki comes in for a lot of flak, in terms of the quality of information provided, the editorial control and its internal conflicts, so I was delighted when the Citizendium fork took place (or didn’t).

I had hoped that it would usher in a new era of higher quality articles, reflecting shared knowledge and critical thinking, as Citizendium says:

“We aim at reliability and quality, not just quantity.”

Instead what do we find? Gilad Atzmon’s hagiography, that’s the study of Saints.

How they never do anything wrong, how their lives are guided as if from above, and in the end they prove themselves to be faultless. That’s Saints (if you believe in such things), but it isn’t Gilad Atzmon.

Readers will remember Atzmon’s long association with the SWP, and how they lionised him at their premier yearly event, Marxism xxxx. Those with long memories won’t forget how Jewish socialists picketed Bookmarks, SWP’s book shop, outraged that such a racist should be given a platform. Those who read SWP’s Socialist Worker will recall Mike Rosen’s letter condemning Atzmon’s racism:

Inviting Gilad Atzmon to play is a bad move

Great news about the Cultures of Resistance musical programme, but I have to say I’m mightily dismayed that you have saxophonist Gilad Atzmon on board.

He is someone who has frequently expressed racist ideas and surely we have always said that you can’t fight racism with racism? I fear that the racism he expresses is seen by some in the liberation movements as a racism that doesn’t matter as much.

That’s to say, it’s said by some that racism towards peoples from countries oppressed and exploited by the West is the main racism we’re fighting, but a racism directed towards peoples seen as heavily implicated in the West’s oppression matters less.

Thus, antisemitism in the 21st century is seen perhaps as “mistaken” within the liberation movement, much as we might say that going on about Rupert Murdoch being Australian is “mistaken”.

This is a disastrous route to go down. Antisemitism imagines the removal or elimination of a group of people from the world system.

All we have to ask ourselves is: 1) would eliminating that group change the system for the better? 2) what ghastly processes would a state create in order to do the removing and eliminating?

I think Cultures of Resistance is making a great mistake taking Atzmon on board with them and this will undermine and weaken what we are all trying to do.

Michael Rosen, East London”

More recently, Atzmon has been ranting on about Jewish bankers and seemingly sourcing his material from David Duke’s web site.

There is all that and much more, but scanning Citizendium’s entry on Atzmon, you won’t see much of that, and certainly little, if any, critical comment.

Clearly, any semi-serious entry on Atzmon must include critical commentary of his views, more recently his racist statements and the wider reaction to them.

So, on the above evidence, Citizendium does not appear to be much of an improvement on Wiki.

Shame, a lost opportunity.

Update: It seems that one of the article’s main authors, Edna Spennato, has form.

Apparently, she is one of Atzmon’s friends and sometimes posts on his behalf.

Edna’s blogs are worth a read, crop circles not withstanding.

I suppose it is not surprising that people who have peculiar views about Jews also have decidedly strange opinions elsewhere. The Citizendium editors discuss Atzmon’s entry here.

Edna on Atzmon:

“This is one of my most beloved friends, Gilad, whose light shines very brightly, and whose courage, integrity, passion and sense of humour is an inspiration to me and to everyone who knows him. He is a truly remarkable individual, who follows his heart and sticks his neck out for what he believes in, and his love for the people of Palestine is profound.

A great saxophonist and composer of beautiful music, a philosopher and a writer whose ideas are fresh, original and independant of the prevailing consensus reality, Gilad works harder and has more energy than anyone else I know. Like Mahatma Gandhi, he has zero tolerance for the brutality of the zionist project, and he reaches thousands of people each month with his message of uncompromising solidarity with Palestine.

I regard him as one of the great lightworkers on the planet at this time, and feel very honoured to know him and to support him in every way I can.

Edna Spennato
March 2008”

So there you have it, one of Gilad Atzmon’s friends writing his entry on Citizendium!!

Well done Citizendium, you’ve out wikied Wiki and taken hagiography to a new level, what next ?

Articles on National Socialism written by David Irving, a fan of Adolf Hitler?

Or perhaps Citizendium will take the next logical step and just sub-contract Atzmon’s entry to his PR firm? Quid pro quo?

But enough of my sarcasm, this random sampling and particularly the Talk on Atzmon’s entry reveal that Citizendium suffers from many of the problems that Wiki had and still has.

Until the biographical entries of individuals, as Atzmon, do not consciously seek to re-write the past, erase criticism, contain truthful and critical information then they will be largely worthless and discredited, as the internet age has little use for hagiography or Saints.

I hope that the editors at Citizendium make a serious effort to correct their mistakes, use the above links and avoid getting friends of the subject to write their entries.

Update 1:
Edna Spennato has kindly reminded me that Engage wrote much more on Atzmon, I shall try to add them over the next day or 2.

February 19, 2006
Antisemitic Saxophonist Gilad Atzmon Plays SOAS:

“Gilad Atzmon is influenced by Israel Shamir and he links to Shamir’s website from his own site. Shamir wrote the following about the anti-Zionists’ campaign against Atzmon’s antisemitism and the SWP support for him:

‘This is a talk he gave in Bookmarks, London’s Marxist bookshop; while outside, a group of Jews picketed and demanded to shut him up. … As Gilad was speaking in a Marxist bookshop, they [the Jews] sent antizionist Jews. Thus these protesters revealed their most important inner quality – they felt they weren’t antizionists of Jewish origin, but representatives of Jewry within the antizionist Left…. It is hardly a question of religion as these picketers are irreligious. Indeed, it is a question of spirit, the Judaic spirit we find at the basis of Zionism.’ “

Update 2:

November 30, 2006, Open antisemitism is challenging ‘antiracist’ anti-Zionism in the Palestine solidarity movement – David Hirsh:

“When Atzmon spoke in Edinburgh last week he chose to focus his critique on these anti-racist anti-Zionists. His argument was that the clean distinction that anti-Zionists make between “Zionists” and Jews, anti-Zionism and anti-semitism is largely fictional. He argued that Israel is a “fascist state” supported by “the vast majority of Jewish people around the world”. Anti-Zionist Jews in the Palestine solidarity movement, therefore, play a “Jewish” role there, as “gatekeepers” who try to control the Palestinian narrative:

As soon as anyone identifies the symptoms of Zionism with some fundamental or essential Jewish precepts a smear campaign is launched against that person.

Atzmon is fighting for openly anti-Jewish politics within the Palestine solidarity movement and in order to do so, it is necessary first to defeat the anti-Zionist Jews and their anti-racist allies.

I would use this opportunity and appeal to our friends amongst the Jewish socialists and other Jewish solidarity groups. I would ask them to clear the stage willingly, and to re-join as ordinary human beings. The Palestinian Solidarity movement is craving for a change. It needs open gates rather than gatekeepers. It yearns for an open and dynamic discourse. The Palestinians on the ground have realised it already. They democratically elected an alternative vision of their future.

It seems that the “democratically elected … alternative vision” that he refers to is the open and stark, racist anti-semitism of Jihadi Islam as set out in the Hamas charter.

Atzmon is trying to lead an anti-semitic purge of the anti-Zionist movement and one that will ditch the formal anti-racism onto which some anti-Zionists still cling.”

Update 3:

March 23, 2007, Antisemite Atzmon is guest of Swedish Social Democrats, a flavour of the article:

“Atzmon, a jazz musician regarded as one of the finest saxophonists in the world, has long been accused of anti-Semitism.

“We must begin to take the accusation that the Jewish people are trying to control the world very seriously,” he said in 2003.

“American Jewry makes any debate on whether the ‘Protocols of the elder of Zion’ are an authentic document or rather a forgery irrelevant. American Jews (in fact Zionists) do control the world, by proxy,” he added.

The ‘Protocols of the Elders of Zion’, a document describing a Jewish plot to achieve world domination, is widely accepted to have been an anti-Semitic forgery drafted by the Russian secret police in 1903. It was later used as a propaganda tool in Nazi Germany.” [My emphasis.]

Update 4: The following is a letter from the Jewish Socialist Group to Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign on the topic of Atzmon’s racist outbursts (I have tidied up the original format a bit, it is cached from the Way Back Machine’s version, as the current JSG site has misplaced it.)

“Open letter to Scottish Palestine Solidarity

November 2006

Dear Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign,

The terrible situation of the Palestinians today,
especially in Gaza, demands the broadest possible
unity by those who wish to challenge oppression,
racism and human rights abuses. Those who disrupt that
unity, or make pro-Palestinian activity vulnerable to
charges of antisemitism cannot be friends of the
Palestinian people.

Against this background, the Jewish Socialists’ Group
strongly oppose Scottish PSC’s invitation to Gilad
Atzmon to speak and perform on November 22 at an event
called “Zionist control”. Apart from the SWP, which
has inexplicably invited Atzmon to its annual Marxism
events, and to a book launch at its Bookmarks shop
(which was picketed by “Jews Against Zionism and other
anti-racists), Atzmon is shunned by other progressive,
pro-Palestinian organisations. They completely reject
his statements – regurgitating world Jewish conspiracy
theories and diminishing the crimes of Nazism – which
have been widely denounced as antisemitic.

Atzmon’s outbursts have been a gift to Zionist
journalists, providing them with an opportunity to
discredit and smear those who support Palestinian
rights and justice for the Palestinian people.
If you are not familiar with the views of the person
you have invited, here are some examples from his
article “On antisemitism” December 2003 on his own
website ( and reprinted in

“We must begin to take the accusation that the Jewish
people are trying to control the world very
seriously…American Jewry makes any debate on whether
the ‘Protocols of the elders of Zion’ are an authentic
document or rather a forgery irrelevant. American Jews
do try to control the world, by proxy.”

“Israel’s behaviour throws some light on the
persecution of Jews throughout history.”

In 2005 Atzmon approvingly distributed Paul Eisen’s
essay “Holocaust Wars” which the Socialist Unity
website described as “a full-blooded exposition of
Holocaust denial material and a tribute to notorious
neo-Nazi Ernst Zundel.” Atzmon said he had only
“slight differences” with Eisen’s article.

In 2006 he wrote an article called “Beyond comparison”
for Al-Jazeerah (August 12) about Israel and Nazism:
“Nazis were indeed proper expansionists, they were
trying to take towns and land intact…unlike the Nazis
who had respect for other national movements including
Zionism, Israel has zero respect for anyone including
its next door neighbours. The Israeli behavior should
be realised as the ultimate vulgar biblical barbarism
on the verge of cannibalism.

“While Nazism was a nationalist expansionist movement
with extensive yet limited ambitions, the Jewish State
and its Zionist lobbies are trying to revive the
spirit of a global crusade in the name of a bizarre
religious war.

“It is about time to … say it all loudly… We have to
admit that Israel is the ultimate evil rather than
Nazi Germany”.

Since the early 1980s the Jewish Socialists’ Group has
worked closely with Palestinian organisations and
solidarity campaigns and more recently with Jews for
Justice for Palestinians, Just Peace UK and European
Jews for a Just Peace in the struggle against
occupation and for equality and self-determination for
Palestinians. We have challenged Jewish communal
“leaders” when they denounce opponents of Israel as
antisemitic and Jewish opponents of Zionism as

At the same time we remain vigilant about antisemitism
and other forms of racism. We agree entirely with the
Britain’s former PLO representative, Afif Safieh, who
frequently told pro-Palestinian demonstrations and
meetings that antisemitism was an enemy of the
Palestinians as well as the Jews.

As Jewish socialists and outspoken opponents of
Zionism, racism and fascism, we cannot understand how
it benefits the Palestinian struggle to invite and
promote an individual who speaks as Atzmon does,
regardless of his origins. The Palestine Solidarity
Campaign has long had a clause in its aims to oppose
antisemitism and all forms of racism. We cannot
understand why SPSC seem intent on exposing the
pro-Palestinian movement to charges of antisemitism.

We appeal to Scottish PSC to rescind the invitation
and we appeal to Palestinian organisations and
solidarity organisations to make their views on this
known to Scottish PSC.


Jewish Socialists’ Group”

Update 5: For Atzmon’s groupies, all unknown comments are moderated under WordPress, that’s the way it works.

However, unless they are grossly offensive and dripping with anti-Jewish racism I will be publishing them, but there might be a small delay whilst that is done, so please be patience.

Update 6:

Judeosphere covered Atzmon’s Holocaust denial last year:

“Atzmon has a history of distributing Holocaust denial literature, and of endorsing Holocaust revisionists. Of course, he angrily denies that he himself is a Holocaust denier.

I found myself curious about the source of this Atzmon quote, which I have never seen before. (Stoltz used the same quote while defending neo-Nazi Rigolf Hennig in 2006.)

After much searching, I found it: In 2005, a local newspaper, Ruhr Nachrichten, reported on his lively performance in Bochum, Germany:

What followed was a heated debate…during which several spectators left the room in protest. Atzmon described the known history of the Second World War and the Holocaust as a whole, as a forgery initiated by Americans and Zionists….Particularly fierce debate erupted as Atzmon argued that there is “no forensic evidence” that the number of Jews killed during the Holocaust is really six million.”

Here’s the PressTV link on Sylvia Stolz.

Update 7:

I hope this will be the final update. I know that the Engage site has a lot more material on Atzmon’s ranting and racist attitudes, I barely scratched the surface, but I will leave readers with a piece on Atzmon and Paul Eisen by gehrig:

“Gilad Atzmon has distributed — and defended in general terms — an essay by Paul Eisen designed to promote Holocaust denial. The Eisen essay, titled “Holocaust Wars,” claims among other things that the gas chambers of Auschwitz are fraudulent and couldn’t work. It “backs up” this claim using the same lies used by the leading lights (such as they are) of the Holocaust denial movement — people like David Irving, the self-described “Hitler-lover” Ernst Zündel, and the faux engineer Fred Leuchter.

When you defend Paul Eisen’s essay, you’re defending the very same lies promulgated by the “Hitler-lover” Zündel, his flunky Leuchter, and his admirer David Irving. Yet this is what Gilad Atzmon does.

Now, if you think I’m exaggerating by calling Paul Eisen’s essay “Holocaust denial propaganda,” you might want to skip to the last section of the post, in which I document exactly that. For now, it suffices to say that Eisen has said “… the evidence for the use of homicidal gas-chambers [at Auschwitz] is not good at all. The evidence against it is much, much stronger.”

And the following paragraph from the essay Atzmon circulated gives little room for doubt on where Eisen stands:

“Many will take the view that Holocaust revisionism [the boilerplate euphemism for the Holocaust denial movement] is but pernicious nonsense motivated only by a hatred of Jews and a desire to rehabilitate Hitler and National Socialism specifically, and fascism in general, and therefore not even worthy of scrutiny. I don’t agree, and those with sufficient curiosity to wish to research the subject can visit the website of the premier Revisionist think tank, the [fascist-founded, though Eisen doesn’t mention that] Institute for Historical Review, locate the Journal of Historical Review and its archive of articles and papers and start reading.”

I’ll describe the “Institute for Historical Review” in a little more detail below. You can find the Eisen essay itself, the one Gilad Atzmon thought was so brilliant, by googling “Eisen ‘Holocaust wars'”; you’ll pull it up on a number of “Poor Hitler was misunderstood” sites like Ernst Zündel’s.

What was Gilad Atzmon’s reaction recently when he was challenged over having distributed a stack of standard-issue Holocaust denier lies? “I am happy i circulated Eisen and he is indeed a friend of mine.”

Written by modernityblog

25/02/2009 at 22:58

Posted in Uncategorized

49 Responses

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  1. Maybe you should be asking yourself, Modernity, why people who know him very well like Gilad so much, why does he have this loyalty and respect from his friends, those who actually do know him and not the nameless bunch leaving ad hominems all over the net.

    There is a reason, and it’s because he is really a good guy, a decent person, not afraid to speak out for what is right, even if it means being condemned by people like you.


    26/02/2009 at 01:36

  2. Edna,

    why would I question your motives? I am sure that you are sincere in your views, wrong, whacked out, but sincere

    that was not the question

    a biographical entry should be rounded, contain critical information as well as an informed overview of the person concerned, that applies to politicians, actors or artists, etc and Atzmon’s entry on Citizendium is no where near that

    it is a very selective portrayal of his activities and certainly doesn’t mention his latest racist rant about Jewish bankers, nor does it question where Atzmon sources his information from (see my previous post), so as such Citizendium is at fault.

    this is all very basic and Citizendium should use more oversight when biographical entries are compiled to avoid them becoming mere hagiographies


    26/02/2009 at 02:31

  3. One look at your blog roll and it’s obvious you are not at all neutral, so why this pretense that you care about neutrality? God, Harry’s Place, is it possible to sink to more islamophobic depths than that? Don’t bother to respond, please.


    26/02/2009 at 03:38

  4. edna,

    I make no claims on my views, but I believe that Citizendium should try harder if they wish to avoid many of the mistakes that have already been made by Wiki.

    that is my point, please, try to engage with it


    26/02/2009 at 03:49

  5. get “Engage” to engage, dear


    26/02/2009 at 03:58

  6. good point edna,

    I believe that Engage did a page on Atzmon’s racism, I’ll update the post, thanks for reminding me.


    26/02/2009 at 04:56

  7. Just a word from a Citizendium contributer…

    There is one word there: “aim”. We aim at quality, not quantity. We want to make sure that when a teenager goes on to Citizendium looking at the page on human rights or biology or the Holocaust, it’s absolutely the best thing they could be reading, even if that means we have to make cutbacks on having details of every single Pokemon or every single Lost episode or whatever.

    Citizendium is a young project and is playing a long game. Wikipedia sucked terribly in the early days, and Citizendium sucks now. That’s okay. Give us a few years and hopefully we won’t suck. And, well, if something sucks, it’s a wiki. Just get an account and change it – we’re perfectly nice people and amenable to reasoned argument. Even if we that doesn’t work out and in ten years time, we still do suck, we will have created a bunch of free encyclopedia articles that, if our model proves fatally flawed, someone else can still take and reuse in whatever the next great attempt is.

    Tom Morris

    26/02/2009 at 10:34

  8. keep it up, modernity, maybe wiki will offer you a job as one of their editors, the crucial qualification being that you are williing to do hatchet job after hatchet job on any effective critic of Israel.


    26/02/2009 at 10:38

  9. But having downloaded most of the Engage site onto your blog, you do deserve a little pat on the back for abandoning any pretense of neutrality. What’s next, will you be presenting your readers with AIPAC’s views on Atzmon?

    But seriously, don’t you have better things to do than going after the musicians and artists? After all, the Israeli war criminals are desperately trying to find a way to avoid appearing in front of the ICC, shouldn’t you be showing the world how pure as driven snow they all are?


    26/02/2009 at 11:16

  10. Both Wikipedia and Citizendium are basically useless tools for anything that moves or is dynamic. I would trust them to know about road construction or principles of aeordynamics, but on anything that requires judgment, they are ridiculously biased, pro or con, and therefore, an exercise in futility. Why this is even a subject of debate at this stage of the game is a bit mystifying. If anyone wishes to formulate a short biography, they would be required to do so like we did back in the day, read the complete works, then read comparative works, and come up with an opinion that is informed and complete. I am sure you have read every single line Atzmon has printed, “modernity”, but the most you can come up with is your doubts about his source, the same way you attempted to do with my site due to links that you were trying to trace back to your pet interest, David Duke, as if we were aware of the connection and actually sought it. You should worry a bit more about the Islamic links on anti-zionist blogs, they probably are actually clicked now and then.

    But, Edna S has a point, it’s not very brave to condemn X Y or Z in anonymity. In fact, it’s childish. I do not trust anonymous sources for anything and I don’t know why anyone else would either.


    26/02/2009 at 15:07

  11. edna,

    where does “Israel” come into Atzmon’s racist statements about Christ killers?

    how does that relate to Atzmon’s disgusting comment about burning down a synagogue?

    it doesn’t, Atzmon uses the cover of his attacks on Israel to articulate GENERAL racist statements about Jews

    do you see the difference?

    Atzmon applies age old stereo types, combined with nauseating far right propaganda to attack Jews

    that is the issue


    26/02/2009 at 15:45

  12. hey “modernity”, let’s talk about your favourite vegetable’s comments about burning down synagogues, why don’t we? That would be one Ariel Sharon, currently trussed up for the minestrone 🙂 Didn’t he think it a rather good idea for zios to go around burning synagagues in order to foment more anti-semitism in europe against diaspora jews? Do you need me to find the quote for you?

    How about the recent vandalising of the synagogue in Venezuela, where the synagogue GUARD in his little skull cap turned out to be the leader of the vandals.
    Usual story.


    26/02/2009 at 15:53

  13. well Tom,

    you wrote:

    “Citizendium is a young project and is playing a long game. Wikipedia sucked terribly in the early days, and Citizendium sucks now. That’s okay. Give us a few years and hopefully we won’t suck.”

    that might be the case, but the METHOD on how to compile a biographical entry has been known for ages:

    1. Include an overview of subject
    2. Highlight his/her key areas
    3. Include in any criticism.
    4. Verify the entry against material on the web.
    5. Try to achieve an objective balance
    6. Do not apply any favouritism

    so Tom, unless Citizendium applies that approach it will be regarded much as wiki is.

    at the moment, step 3, 4, 5 and 6 are missing

    and do you think it is a smart idea to get a good friend of the subject to write the biographical entry?

    along with all of the glowing praise?

    or would it have been better if the Citizendium Editors had done their own elementary research on Atzmon?


    26/02/2009 at 15:57

  14. But the REALLY interesting question is this one: “modernity”, what is it about Mary Rizzo’s comment that frightens you so much you cannot even publish it?
    Do elucidate us!

    Here it is…
    Both Wikipedia and Citizendium are basically useless tools for anything that moves or is dynamic. I would trust them to know about road construction or principles of aeordynamics, but on anything that requires judgment, they are ridiculously biased, pro or con, and therefore, an exercise in futility. Why this is even a subject of debate at this stage of the game is a bit mystifying. If anyone wishes to formulate a short biography, they would be required to do so like we did back in the day, read the complete works, then read comparative works, and come up with an opinion that is informed and complete. I am sure you have read every single line Atzmon has printed, “modernity”, but the most you can come up with is your doubts about his source, the same way you attempted to do with my site due to links that you were trying to trace back to your pet interest, David Duke, as if we were aware of the connection and actually sought it. You should worry a bit more about the Islamic links on anti-zionist blogs, they probably are actually clicked now and then. But, Edna S has a point, it’s not very brave to condemn X Y or Z in anonymity. In fact, it’s childish. I do not trust anonymous sources for anything and I don’t know why anyone else would either.


    26/02/2009 at 16:10

  15. as I remarked above, unknown comments are held in moderation, just be patience.


    26/02/2009 at 16:40

  16. come, let’s not drag our feet over how”disgusting” it is when people talk about blowing up one or two synagogues, shall we? It’s a rather interesting discussion. What’s your view on this comment?

    “Even today I am willing to volunteer to do the dirty work for Israel, to kill as many Arabs as necessary, to deport them, to expel and burn them, to have everyone hate us, to pull the rug from underneath the feet of the Diaspora Jews, so that they will be forced to run to us crying. Even if it means blowing up one or two synagogues here and there, I don’t care.”

    Ariel Sharon quotes (Israeli general and politician, b.1928)


    26/02/2009 at 17:27

  17. And the 30 or more mosques which were ACTUALLY bombed during the Gaza genocide, constituting war crimes, not just loose talk. No comments about that, ever-anonymous ‘modernity’ ???


    26/02/2009 at 17:30

  18. modernityblog: the Citizendium operates on a wiki basis. Anyone can edit any page. Ideally, yes, friends and close colleagues of subjects of biographical articles ought not be involved with the writing of articles about them on the Citizendium. We have a system called Topic Informants which is a way that subjects and their friends and colleagues should be posting material, and then allowing someone else to copy that over into the main article. We are still evolving the policy on how this operates, and as someone who writes about computer programming and long-dead philosophers, it hasn’t really been something I keep fresh in my mind.

    Politically sensitive articles are, among other things, why the Citizendium has an explicit disclaimer on all non-approved articles – and the article on Mr. Atzmon is not approved, nor has it been put forward for approval by editors in the Politics, Music or Literature workgroups – stating that the article “may contain errors of fact, bias, grammar, etc.” and that we make “no representations about the reliability of these articles or, generally, their suitability for any purpose”.

    The editors of the Citizendium didn’t “get” Edna Spennato to write the article, in any active sense. It’s a wiki, and she exercised her rights as an author on that wiki to edit it. So can any author who has signed up (they do need to use a ral name though). Her edits may be good or may be absolute dreck, but until articles get the stamp of approval, the disclaimer above applies. I’ll certainly be popping the article on Atzmon on my watchlist and trying to clean it up a bit as and when I find time.

    Tom Morris

    26/02/2009 at 17:37

  19. edna,

    you seem not to understand my points:

    1. I am concerned with Citizendium’s method of obtaining entries and their lack of objectivity

    2. I am concerned that a blatant racist, Gilad Atzmon is white washed

    3. I am concerned that Atzmon’s racist nature goes unmentioned in his Citizendium entry

    4. I am concerned that Citizendium editors allowed one of his friends (Edna Spennato) to write such a hagiography of him, and didn’t seem to verify the entry with much care

    so please, try to engage with those particular points and NOT drag the discussion off elsewhere


    26/02/2009 at 17:40

  20. the thing is this, though… as your blog is intrinsically and blatantly racist, isn’t it a bit mad to be concerning yourself so much over the alleged racism of others or their ‘lack of objectivity’? Just a simple question.


    26/02/2009 at 17:46

  21. Tom, you wrote:

    “Her edits may be good or may be absolute dreck, but until articles get the stamp of approval, the disclaimer above applies. “

    that entry has been hanging around since April 2007, still awaiting approval?

    Tom, disclaimers are a common ploy, used all over the place, that does not tally with the statement of “We aim at reliability and quality, not just quantity. ”

    which certainly is NOT reliable in nearly two years of sitting there, the Talk entries end around April 2007, almost two years ago.

    but all of that is by the by, either Citizendium apply decent methodologies to entries or they don’t

    and if they don’t then they are replicating Wiki’s problem without thinking about it.

    the point is about method, if Citizendium let such a blatant racist as Atzmon slip through their fingers in a period of nearly two years, what does that say about the initial checking process?


    26/02/2009 at 17:51

  22. The Citizendium disclaimer is not a “ploy”, it’s a fair warning to readers that non-approved articles may be crap. It’s there for a reason. What’s the alternative? We have limited resources. We could change our policy so that instead of hosting the articles that aren’t approved, we develop them secretly behind the scenes so that nobody sees them. Then you wake up one sunny morning and the article just appears out of the blue, fully approved and ready for you to read. But we’ve tried that in the past, and it doesn’t work at the speed that we want to build an encyclopedia at. And it’s not nearly as accountable.

    Articles are written using an open, wiki process because that’s the most efficient way of doing it. That does mean that articles that are unfinished, of poor quality, biased or in other ways far from the perfection we’d like them to be are on public view. There will be other things among the unapproved articles that are crap, biased, unfinished and so on – that’s why they aren’t approved. The alternative is that we hide them away, which is not really a possible option.

    The article on Gilad Atzmon is not “waiting approval”. It has not been put forward for approval. It’ll stay like that until any of a number of things happen: (a) it gets put forward for approval, in which case, editors with relevant expertise will be consulted and will decide whether to approve or reject it (my hunch: in it’s current form, they’d reject it), (b) someone says it’s not worth having an article on Atzmon, and then the editors will have to decide whether or not we should (my hunch: they’d state that we should have an article on Atzmon).

    When it gets down to it, when you say that the Citizendium doesn’t “apply decent methodologies to entries”, let’s translate that to reality. There’s a pretty small number of people who are major contributors, editors and constables, and we aren’t involved because we want to write articles about anti-semitic jazz saxophonists. We have jobs to go to, lectures to sleep through and dogs, kids and gambling addictions to feed. We allow anyone to post on the wiki because we either have an open system with disclaimers and try our best to clear up the mess afterwards, or we have a closed system, with no mess at all – because if you don’t have any articles, you don’t have any mess.

    Tom Morris

    26/02/2009 at 22:10

  23. Tom,

    when faced with criticism there are essentially three ways of handling it:

    1) ignore it
    2) make excuses, don’t deal with the issues, go around the houses, etc
    3) acknowledge the problem and plan how to deal with it

    you choose number 2.

    as of yet, you haven’t manage to deal with the issue of method on biographical entries

    please make an effort to deal with my arguments, and remember if I wanted excuses I’d ask for them.


    26/02/2009 at 22:33

  24. No, I chose invisible option four: explain, from the perspective of someone who is pretty heavily involved with the project as a volunteer, how things are supposed to work. And a little bit of invisible option five: respond honestly explaining why one thinks the criticism might be slightly off-target or over-reaching.

    Okay. So, there’s a problem: crap articles will be posted on open wikis. What’s the proposed solution? Close it off so nobody can post? That won’t work, and we won’t have any encyclopedia, let alone the reliable and trustworthy one that we’d like to see slowly emerge.

    The method on biographical entries is the same as on any entry: anyone can register, post material and then, when experts in the field think the article is good, they approve it. Citizendium is not some kind of punitive police state – we don’t sit there saying “this is shit, delete it”. We let people work on articles, and when people get together and write a good one, then we pounce on it and mark it as good. Yes, it means we end up having some crap articles. Which is why we put the disclaimer on them. I don’t think I’m making excuses: I’m just pointing out that I don’t think our process is actually broken.

    You also make it seem like I’m not planning how to deal with the problem. The Atzmon article is on my watchlist, and will be on my to-do list for when I’ve got time to deal with it (which is sadly not now). And I’m sure that other CZers will be poking through it and seeing how we can make it better. Other blog posts about crap articles have been written in the past, and they have prompted action. Please keep on telling us where we suck so we can fix it.

    As a side note, I tend to agree with you politically. I’m a Aaronovitch/Cohen/Harry’s Place/Butterflies-and-Wheels-readin’ “muscular liberal” who has about as much time for the SWP/RESPECT/Galloway crew and their various Islamist pals as I’ve got for the herpes virus or a marathon showing of Celebrity Love Island – that is to say, very close to bugger all. I’ve also subscribed to your blog.

    Tom Morris

    26/02/2009 at 23:33

  25. Tom,

    you wrote:

    “The method on biographical entries is the same as on any entry: anyone can register, post material and then, when experts in the field think the article is good, they approve it.”

    1. NO, it is NOT, I already detailed it above.

    an entry on say, physiology will not necessarily have a vested interest directly connected to it, but many biographical ones probably will.

    biographical ones are more liable to be filleted or pruned, or tarted up showing the better side of the subject by his fans, in a fit of hero worship

    that is not the same with all entries, there is a vested interest in sanitising Atzmon’s entry by his supporters

    do you see that point?????

    2. and you haven’t even touched on the SUBJECTIVE nature and problem of getting a friend to write a biographical entry?

    can’t you see the conflict of interest?

    there is a vast difference between subjective entries and objective ones, and until Citizendium manages to see that, these problems will persist

    please address my points.


    27/02/2009 at 00:08

  26. Poor old Edna just comes across as an obsessed fan. But is there an acceptable criteria for monitoring the contributors? Probably not. Subjectivity is inevitable.


    27/02/2009 at 00:33

  27. Strong opinions, vested interests and conflicts of interest can exist just as well for non-biographical subjects as biographical ones. I can’t for the life of me think why anyone would expend any energy at all having a strong opinion or want to push any ideological point-of-view on, say, a biographical encyclopedia article about Celine Dion. The amount of electrons spilt on wiki talk pages over homeopathy or the Iraq war will always outweigh the amount spent on Celine Dion. The class of controversial articles is not equal to the class of biographical articles. It’s so obvious it barely needs saying that controversial topics exist – but I don’t see why biographies will be any more controversial compared to articles about anything else people disagree on. Vested interests want to spin whatever it is they support, and that’s not just limited to people: it’s everything! Companies, organisations, products, their critics, policies, ideas, history, science. Imagine a white nationalist editing a wiki – he’s going to want to spin the article on “race and IQ” or on the movie “American History X” just as much as he’s going to want to spin the article on any specific person. And that’s just the point – we don’t deny that there are going to be vested interests editing the wiki, and we try as best we can to ensure neutrality (the Real Name policy helps with that by making it at least transparent), but I don’t get what evidence or reason might be put forward for the idea that sly propagandists might target biographical articles any more than non-biographical articles. So spending any effort specifically on protecting biographies from conflicts of interest seems pointless since the problem of conflict of interest is there for potentially every article, not just biographical articles.

    I actually did make something of a mistake – we do have a specific policy about biographies of living people, called Topic Informants. This allows the subjects of articles, or their representatives, to inform us of inaccuracies. If, for instance, we were to publish an article with a factual error about a person, they could use the TI system to inform us of this without having them editing the article about themselves directly, which would obviously be a conflict of interest. It’s not just for people, but can also be used for organizations, companies, groups or whatever that might have a representative who needs to tell us when mistakes are made. I do also think when it comes to conflict of interest problems, our policy is actually tougher – the constables who police behaviour on the site are not allowed to use their powers over any article they’ve been involved in the writing or editing of, the editors (the content experts) are very restricted in their domain of expertise – biologists can only adjudicate on biology matters. Registered Topic Informants are not allowed to be involved in editing articles that they have a stake in. And the Real Name policy does enable us to remain a lot more transparent. On Wikipedia, you just pop to your local cybercafe, do all your conflict-of-interest editing there, and leave nothing but an IP address.

    And you keep saying that we were “getting a friend” to write Atzmon’s entry. That makes it sound like the editors phoned up Ms. Spennato and said “Hey, do you want to write an article about Gilad Atzmon since you know him so well?”. That’s just not true. It’s an open wiki, and any registered author can edit. Article writing is not assigned to anybody – it’s a bottom-up system where anyone can edit any article. As I have pointed out numerous times, that’s open to abuse, but there’s no alternative.

    (Despite my use of the word ‘us’, I am not any kind of official representative of the Citizendium, just someone who churns out a fair few words for it.)

    Tom Morris

    27/02/2009 at 01:49

  28. yep. no one messes with joe, nancy & tom morris.

    Chunbum Park

    27/02/2009 at 01:57

  29. Tom, you wrote:

    “And you keep saying that we were “getting a friend” to write Atzmon’s entry. That makes it sound like the editors phoned up Ms. Spennato and said “Hey, do you want to write an article about Gilad Atzmon since you know him so well?”. That’s just not true.”

    Of course it’s not true.

    I have never (repeat: NEVER) stated that you or anyone connected with Citizendium tried to procure an entry on Atzmon.

    I never stated that, is that clear enough?

    That is not my argument and I do wish that you would make a conspicuous effort to address my points.

    Rather I have stated that one of Atzmon’s friends, Edna Spennato, wrote his entry and that is a clear conflict of interest as she views Atzmon as “one of my most beloved friends”, that should set alarm bells ringing for anyone concerned with objectivity.

    Still, I can see little benefit in this exchange until you demonstrate the ability to deal with my points, which I have made very clear above.

    Although, I might be tempted to do another post on this topic and cover an example, which will explain the issue better.

    Please re-read my post and deal with my arguments, not phantoms or your own inventions.


    27/02/2009 at 02:29

  30. 🙂 this is indeed very comical
    the zios brow-beating a grovelling citizendium volunteer who is also a zio
    how very wiki


    27/02/2009 at 03:39

  31. Just as bad as it might be for someone who knows and admires a “living” person and then writes the biography, since they do exist on these Wikithings, it is also wrong for there to be heavy vandalism of these biographies by those who hate them and do not admire them.

    But, who is supposed to write these things but someone who has read all of the works, if this is what the bio is supposed to be based on? So, that would mean that it would be written by someone who is a “fan”, or as Idiotic and Anonymous Modernity calles them “groupies”, or it will be written by someone who is driven to spend a lot of time punching him down.

    Regarding the Stolz thing, you have totally wrong information, dude. Check back on some SU post (comments) about that whole event, where the interpreter was unable to adequately do the job and messed the translation up greatly, as was also printed by the event organiser.

    I don’t want to waste too much time here with someone like you who believes GA is AS, when it is clear in his writing that he isn’t, but I too am a translator-interpreter, and actually did see the original newspaper article (the Stolz thing was taken from some other source and anyone can quote anyone out of context and add what they would like, it doesn’t change the material stated, if Stolz wanted to use an intervention translated wrong by an incompetent, non-professional… they thought they were getting a concert and there was not an interpreter in the house, just someone who believed to be truly bilingual) and for a start, translated the word “narrative”, into “novel”. Do you start to get my drift?

    anyway, if CZ is holding an entry for this long, what good are they anyway? What good are they Tom, if they are hidden, if those who work on them don’t see the stuff published?

    and, people should start to read for themselves and not be so dependent on Wikis.


    27/02/2009 at 21:35

  32. well Mary,

    I won’t waste any time on you either, as over the years you have managed to host, promote and otherwise suck up to a lot of Holocaust deniers, neo-Nazis, their pals and assorted Jew haters, which indicates your inclination in these areas.


    27/02/2009 at 21:43

  33. short and sweet: could you give concrete examples of these “Holocaust deniers, neo-Nazis, their pals and assorted Jew haters” and your evidence for labling them this way… and what is your actual name, “modernity”, or do you only attack anonymously, and if so, why?


    27/02/2009 at 21:47

  34. Modernity, yes, don’t waste your time, it is just simpler for you to shout out one of these false claims of yours.
    Never knew a Neo-Nazi in my life, nor a Holocaust Denier, nor do I publish them. There are some who you would call Jew Haters because they don’t love Jews, as if this is a required thing, although they don’t hate them either. These people would be those who note the statistically impossible representation of Jews in the positions of power and their actions that are bent on waging war after war and pushing forth a Culture Clash… If you want to call them Jew Haters, that’s up to you. I would call those on HP Muslim haters, and that would include you. This is the first time I come to your site and only came becuase there was an incoming link and I wondered what it was. Surely, it’s not that interesting, since you tend to want to avoid any arguments made and just go directly for name calling

    but what can one expect from an anonymous blogger? They can sit on a high horse because they never put their names on the line. They are just nobodies who have a blogging hobby, but think they are legitimated to call others names.


    27/02/2009 at 22:05

  35. Mary/Edna,

    I have long followed Mary’s previous blog peacepalestine and watched the disgusting anti-Jewish racism which it pushed, but even if I showed you EXPRESS examples of that, you wouldn’t understand, because you are both incredibly insensitive to anti-Jewish racism, which is probably why you defend Atzmon with such vigour.

    You are hopeless cases, as for evidence, I provide enough above of Atzmon’s racism and you didn’t even bat an eyelid, so frankly nothing will convince you, and as such I am not even going to bother.

    But other readers might wish to visit an archived copy of the peacepalestine blog, before the current sanitised version re-appeared, and take a look at the stuff on Zundel, the neo-Nazi, who is praised by Paul Eisen.

    The links are*/


    27/02/2009 at 23:33

  36. Archived? Sanitised? Peacepalestine is still there, but it is due to time considerations (I run another news site – with 2 others, including Mr Atzmon, and co-manage another major site) my internet time has had to make the choices for me, and thus, Pepa is neither dead, nor archived and buried, it simply is there while the other sites are taking the little available time I have.

    Mr Anonymous, escaping your radar is perhaps the fact that Tony Greenstein wrote a letter to Blogger, telling them they had to close my site, due to what he called Anti Semitic content. Well, Blogger obviously has a machine that does the checks for the key word couples and what have you, as well as a staff that when they get a letter on legal paper, check to see what is up. Yes, they closed the site for one day. Yes, then they wrote me an apology saying that they were wrong to close it, that the site violated no laws, was not inciting hatred nor was there any other reason for them to believe the false claims made and that they were willing to face the legal action if Greenstein would insist (evidently, they thought he had no case) and Greenstein dropped it, but did not take his self-glory post down with his wild claims.. but this is normal for him, just as it is normal for you to claim that I have something to do with Neo-Nazis. I just ignore this crap of yours.

    So, if the law team at Blogger and their arguably NOT pro-Palestinian reader staff could find nothing anti Semitic there, why should anyone believe you? You will have to come up with something I have written, but you can’t. And, to tell you the truth, I don’t really care. I tendentially ignore anonymous jokers.


    27/02/2009 at 23:59

  37. Mary,

    well, you can’t see any anti-Jewish racism in Atzmon’s comments?

    then I suppose you’ll have no problems with Paul Eisen’s Holocaust denial either?

    it has been covered elsewhere:

    “Gilad Atzmon has distributed — and defended in general terms — an essay by Paul Eisen designed to promote Holocaust denial. The Eisen essay, titled “Holocaust Wars,” claims among other things that the gas chambers of Auschwitz are fraudulent and couldn’t work. It “backs up” this claim using the same lies used by the leading lights (such as they are) of the Holocaust denial movement — people like David Irving, the self-described “Hitler-lover” Ernst Zündel, and the faux engineer Fred Leuchter.

    When you defend Paul Eisen’s essay, you’re defending the very same lies promulgated by the “Hitler-lover” Zündel, his flunky Leuchter, and his admirer David Irving. Yet this is what Gilad Atzmon does.

    Now, if you think I’m exaggerating by calling Paul Eisen’s essay “Holocaust denial propaganda,” you might want to skip to the last section of the post, in which I document exactly that. For now, it suffices to say that Eisen has said “… the evidence for the use of homicidal gas-chambers [at Auschwitz] is not good at all. The evidence against it is much, much stronger.”

    And the following paragraph from the essay Atzmon circulated gives little room for doubt on where Eisen stands:

    “Many will take the view that Holocaust revisionism [the boilerplate euphemism for the Holocaust denial movement] is but pernicious nonsense motivated only by a hatred of Jews and a desire to rehabilitate Hitler and National Socialism specifically, and fascism in general, and therefore not even worthy of scrutiny. I don’t agree, and those with sufficient curiosity to wish to research the subject can visit the website of the premier Revisionist think tank, the [fascist-founded, though Eisen doesn’t mention that] Institute for Historical Review, locate the Journal of Historical Review and its archive of articles and papers and start reading.”

    I’ll describe the “Institute for Historical Review” in a little more detail below. You can find the Eisen essay itself, the one Gilad Atzmon thought was so brilliant, by googling “Eisen ‘Holocaust wars'”; you’ll pull it up on a number of “Poor Hitler was misunderstood” sites like Ernst Zündel’s.

    What was Gilad Atzmon’s reaction recently when he was challenged over having distributed a stack of standard-issue Holocaust denier lies? “I am happy i circulated Eisen and he is indeed a friend of mine.”


    28/02/2009 at 00:51

  38. First of all, you have to learn to get your names straight Mr. Anonymous: I am not Paul Eisen, Gilad Atzmon is not Paul Eisen, Paul Eisen is not Zundel. If Eisen thinks Zundel shouldn’t be arrested for investigating information on the gas chambers and the information he deduces contradicts or is in conflict with the information that people are expected to believe as bible and unable to be further discussed, well, I would have to say I agree with him here. There are things that one would deserve to be thrown in prison for with the keys tossed in the ocean and that would be those who had carried out the bombing of Gaza, for starters, but you don’t seem to think this is as important as what some obscure historian thinks.

    This is the problem with people like you who want to smear anyone who supports Palestine with your big brush. You create a NON issue, make it into a gigantic issue where people are supposed to be riled up, so that they look the other way, because you probably think it is fine and acceptable to bomb the living daylights out of Gaza.

    So, Carry On with your time investment. It will save the world.


    28/02/2009 at 01:25

  39. Paul is a most unusual and courageous Jewish person, questioning as he does the wisdom of locking people up for their thoughts. I really take my hat off to him, as well to to all the other independent thinkers, none of which are guilty of infanticide, unlike those whose actions you condone, “modernity”.


    28/02/2009 at 05:41

  40. The Eisen essay is indeed “brilliant’, as you say, “modernity”, and the fact that it is condemned by the most racist, callous, brutal and cruel bunch of thugs seen this side of 1948 makes it doubly good.


    28/02/2009 at 05:50

  41. All I can really say about Paul is this: the pressure lobby has been effective in silencing him, and since he doesn’t participate in these kind of forums, they can say what they want about him, anything at all, they are getting mileage out of it, and he is silent. This means he either doesn’t care what they say, or they are simply too marginal to attract his attention. Or it could mean something else, but who knows what it is.

    I guess I understand his silence, but then again, people can’t recycle for 5 years the same lines and the same defence. It does get tiring, especially when there is a real war that is only in a momentary ceasefire and the victims of Zionist aggression are still fresh in their graves.

    Many people are not silent, and are under fire in many ways day in and day out and these people are the ones I feel connection to. It takes time, energy, effort and courage to stay in the firing line.


    28/02/2009 at 11:46

  42. […] detailed elsewhere, Atzmon’s hang up about “Jewish Bankers”, etc wouldn’t have been a miss at […]

  43. Hi modernityblog, I think the article could use your input. Please feel free join Citizendium and help us create a neutral article on Gilad Atzmon and bring it to approval status.

    Matt Innis

    09/03/2009 at 15:45

  44. Hi Matt Innis,

    you want me to join Citizendium?

    please put you own house in order, I have provided more than enough information

    It is up to you now.


    09/03/2009 at 16:04

  45. I can’t do it the same justice as someone with years of research and experience with this subject would have. I hadn’t heard of Mr. Atzmon before Edna showed up, but I found her a pleasure to work with. Maybe one of your readers would like to present ‘the other side of the story’ and I’ll help make sure it get’s heard to the same extent as Edna’s. They do have to be willing to use their real name, which I expect is probably a problem for this subject, but I will make sure that they receive the same respect as our other users.

    Matt Innis

    11/03/2009 at 00:35

  46. Matt Innis,

    do it or don’t do it, it is all up to you

    if Citizendium can’t be troubled to highlight Atzmon’s racism then that is really their problem and probably shows deeper issues at play.

    I have provided the links to Atzmon’s racism and it is for Citizendium people to do the rest.

    But as a help, use google with the key words: Atzmon Holocaust or Atzmon Shamir Eisen, and make your own mind up.

    Alternatively, take the trouble to read the links in the above post and if there are some ambiguities or issues around anti-Jewish racism that you don’t understand then please tell me I will be happy to explain or expand on them.

    These links might assist you:


    11/03/2009 at 02:52

  47. […] Astute readers will remember the SWP’s honeymoon with Atzmon and their weak defence of him, that was some time ago and nowadays few, if any, deny Atzmon’s racism. […]

  48. […] there is a wider problem here and in the past I have been a bit critical of Wiki and […]

  49. […] Gilad Atzmon and his racist groupies. […]

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